
At Sanctuary Studios, every body belongs.

And when we say every body, we mean it.

Fat bodies, thin bodies, and every body in between. Stiff and stretchy bodies. Old bodies and young ones, too. They all belong at Sanctuary.

But we also know it often takes more than an invitation to be able to belong, especially when you’ve got to pay to get in the door, and so we’ve made every class at Sanctuary Studios pay-what-you-can, making it possible for you to practice even where there isn’t any money to spare.

Wondering how we keep the studio sustainable?

Just keep reading.

When one of their own is suffering, they circle up, close in tight, keep guard, and kick up dust to mask the vulnerable scent from predators.

And yet we are the same. This is who we are and who we are meant to be for each other. Sometimes we’re the ones in the middle. Sometimes we’re the ones kicking up dust with fierce, fierce love.

In the wild, female elephants are known as fierce protectors.

… and so the circle remains.

The Outer Circle

The Outer Circle is the membership level that makes the studio sustainable. For $99/month - the local market price of unlimited yoga in every other studio - Outer Circle members provide consistent income to cover the overhead of the studio, which includes paying a living wage to our teachers. Outer Circle members are asked to make a 6 month commitment to help us create financial stability. In exchange, they have access to all classes, discounted workshops and merchandise, and the satisfaction of knowing that their dollars are doing good inside of their community.

We want to be clear… this is not charity. This a way for us to care for each other inside of our community - it is our way of "kicking up dust” when we have the resources to do so. And when we don’t… then we take our place in the center of the circle and let ourselves be surrounded.


It will take just 60 of us to fill the Outer Circle and make our studio sustainable. Today, we are at 37% of that goal. If paying market rates for unlimited yoga is accessible to you and you want to make Sanctuary your home for movement and meditation, consider joining the Outer Circle today!