The Sanctuary


In many ways, the Sanctuary story is just like every other story.

It’s about an idea that wanted to be made, and so it found a person who might make it, and it settled there. In this case, that person is Sarah Stevens, our founder, and if you know anything about her story, you know that everything about it has been tending toward Sanctuary for as long as she can remember. From The Beautifull Project to Branded by Sarah Stevens, she has been hard at work for several years, trying to tell a different story about our bodies - a better story about our bodies.

But if you were to ask her, she’d tell you the Sanctuary story isn’t really about her at all. She’d say it’s about us. It’s about our collective need for community. It’s about the fact that no one ever really does anything alone and no one ever should. It’s about making the world a little bit better by doing it together.

And so Sarah would say that the Sanctuary story has yet to be written; she’d say we’re really just getting started; and she’d most certainly say that she wants you to fill in the pages with her.

So, come inside, and make your story a part of our story. We can’t wait to see what kind of ending we can write together.